Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Look, I'm going to be honest with you. I'm not much of a writer. Usually I leave this kind of stuff up to my wife. But as we've struggled with our diagnoses of infertility, I've come to realize that there aren't many male voices out there to talk about male factor infertility.

I'll be honest. It's embarrassing. We live in a culture that can't get enough fart and penis jokes. We life in a world where male verility and "strong swimmers" are not only celebrated, they're expected. Male infertility is funny for all the wrong reasons. And for those of us dealing with it, well, it might just be easier to fade into the background.

I'm going to try and write about our whole adventure to try and create a family - from my perspective. While it may not be the most eloquently written (I had to ask my wife for that word!), it's going to be honest.

I'll attempt to go back and give you a bit more detail about my diagnosis of azoospermia, details about my varicocele surgery, and our decision to proceed with donor sperm.

I know that our decisions wouldn't be others' decisions if they were in our boat. But I pass no judgement on which path you take so I hope you'll do the same.

So welcome. Maybe there will be one or two guys that find their way here. Maybe you're the female partner of a guy who's dealing with this. Hopefully if nothing else this will help you feel less alone.

Cheers and welcome.


  1. So impressed that a man/husband is willing to come out to give another perspective to the infertility story. Thanks for having the guts to share your side. We're cheering you all the way!

  2. Wow, very impressed to find a guy writing about azoo! I found your blog via another and wanted to give you a shout of encouragement. I'm the wife of a guy with azoo. We found out almost 3 years ago this month. We're now the parents of an amazing 19 month old son through donor sperm. I wish you all the best. I went password protected shortly after we went with DS, but always welcome new readers. If you are ever interested you can e-mail me at somewhatordinary at gmail dot com. I've added you to my reader and lookforward to following your story!
