Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dude looks like a lady

When entering the world of male infertility you have to be prepared for the unexpected.

For example, did you know that Clomid is a drug that can be taken by both female and male infertility patients?

In the months leading up to and after my varicocele surgery, my urologist put me on a drug called Arimidex. It most often is used as a hormonal treatment for post-menopausal women but it is also used in the treatment of breast cancer.

So how does this relate to male infertilty? In short? I have no clue. It relates to a balancing of hormones for sure, but like I said, I'm no doctor and am not about to pretend that I am.

When I first got the prescription and was reading through all of the literature that came with it, I'll admit, I was confused. Nowhere in the information did it say anything about male fertility. In fact, I was so sure that there must have been some kind of mix up, I emailed my urologist to be sure I got the right thing.

He assured me I did. And no, I wouldn't grow boobs. Dammit!

You know, kind of like this, every guy's fantasy...

1 comment:

  1. yah, my hubbs is on clomid...but i was curious to know more about the med you are on. My hubbs has low testosterone and the artifical testosterone killed his sperm and so he has been on clomid and apparently his sperm count is getting back to normal- whatever that is!

    ♥ ac
