Monday, March 22, 2010

March ICLW

A big hello to all of my regular blog readers and to those who might be stopping by via ICLW. Welcome! The long and the short: I'm an Irish guy married to a Canadian girl living here in the Great White North. I have azoospermia (no sperm); she has PCOS. Together we're attempting to start a family with the help of donor sperm and IUIs.

Unfortunately our last cycle resulted in a BFN so we're starting over yet again. The result of our last cycle was rather tough on the both of us. Everything came together so well, I'd be lying if I didn't confess that our hopes were definitely up.

But together we look towards the future and another opportunity to create the family we both want so very much. Here's hoping that this next cycle is the one. I make myself useful by giving the best intramuscular (I.M.) injections in town. It's true. The self-proclaimed "Injection Master" is back in the game, baby! Injections start up again on Wednesday.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope that you'll consider sticking around. My goal is to bring a male perspective to male infertility because I don't just get it, I live it. We definitely need more men blogging about this - here's hoping that I can support and maybe even inspire someone else to share their story.

Cheers and Happy ICLW!


  1. Happy ICLW!

    It's so rare to find men writing about suffering from infertility. I think most just try to shy away from it (or in the case of my husband, his spelling is so horrible he won't write).

  2. So if you're the 'Injection Master' I take it you don't have shaky hands. Good for you! I don't think I'd let DH near me with a IM needle (he has shaky hands).

    Good luck on your upcoming cycle and happy ICLW

  3. So sorry about the BFN. Best of luck for this cycle.

    May the Injection Master reign supreme.

  4. I'm so sorry about the BFN. I was really pulling for you guys. I hope the next round of injections go well.

  5. Hope this new cycle will be successful. I was thinking about you guys last week!


  6. Fingers crossed and praying that y'all get a BFP this cycle =)

  7. I am praying for the two of you that this cycle is it!!!

  8. Thanks for your refreshing positive spirit & humor! Look forward to following you!

  9. Sorry to hear about the BFN. And I just caught on that you were Fertility Chick's hubby. I'm slow what can I say..LOL! Wishing you all the best of luck this cycle and I think it's awesome that you put the male perspective on IF. I wish more husband's out there would do so.

    ICLW #33

  10. Wishing you the very best of luck next cycle! I adore your wife and hope the rest of your journey to parenthood is smooth.

    ~ICLW #31

  11. Sorry the last cycle didn't work..wishing you guys all the best with your injectables cycle!

  12. I'm sorry about your BFN. Wishing you all the best for your next cycle.

    ICLW #145

  13. I came across your blog on the Blog Hop! Wow, you are the first guy I've found that blogs about cool! I look forward to getting to know you better.

    I'm so sorry about your BFN:( I wish you guys the best of luck on your next try.

  14. How in the WORLD have I missed your blog?!?! I thought I scoured around finding azoo blogs by males- obviously I am not doing my homework. :)

    I came over from 999 reasons to Laugh at IF. I am so glad to see you blogging. My DH has obstructive Azoo and has TESE May 13 to see if there are swimmers.
    I wish you and your wife all the luck I can!!! I will be following along!

  15. I wanted to say a quick hello and thank you for inspiring to post my feelings on the interwebs. I've been reading a few blogs over my wife's shoulder before starting to read them on my own. Yours was one of the first I started and the one that inspired me to get everything out on the web.

    Not sure how to say this next part, not exactly a skill we guys have but, I was sorry to read that you received a negative and I hope your next attempt succeeds.

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  17. As a sign of gratitude for how my wife was saved from PCOS, i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
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