Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Trigger Time!

Tonight I complete my (self-proclaimed) reign as Injection Master and it is fine with me.

With three lovely mature follicles, at 9:30 p.m. tonight we will do our last shot of this cycle and then hope upon hope that it is the one. My wife has her IUI on Friday morning.

She's nervous. Her usual doctor can't do it and she hasn't had much luck with the one who will be performing the procedure.

But I am hoping that against all odds one of these little follicles comes through for us.

Thanks to all of you for your kind comments and hopeful words. Know that they are appreciated by both of us. If you could spare a good thought or two for us in the coming days, know that they would equally be appreciated.

Cheers to you all!


  1. lol.. "your reign as injection master" I love it! Anything to make this process funny and not so stressful. Best of luck to both of you tomorrow.

  2. 3 follicles is wonderful! Best of luck to you and your wife. :)

  3. so very excited and hopeful for you guys!!

  4. Wishing the both of you lots of luck!

  5. Fingers crossed!! best of luck to you both :)

  6. Wishing you both lots of luck!

  7. Good Luck!

  8. I'm praying for you both!!!! Fingers crossed this is it!

  9. Love the guys perspective! We need humor in our journey. Good luck :)
