Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Remember Me?

Is anyone still out there bothering to follow my blog?

I'm sorry that I have been so inactive for the past few weeks. It's been a busy time.

No news on the fertility front, but I started a new job (after a long hiatus) and have been busy ever since! Won't report much job wise other than it looks like it's going to be okay, it's close to home, and in due course, there should be some benefits! We have our fingers crossed that there might be some infertility coverage because we sure could use the financial help (as I'm sure many of you can relate to).

Winter has arrived here in the Great White North so snow shovelling will be added to my exercise repertoire. My wife and I have been pretty good about going to the gym regularly and both are seeing some gains (ha!) in the weight loss department.

I'm sure I'll soon be posting photos of my hot male model physique for all to enjoy.

No, not really. Those will just be for the wife! (I can see her rolling her eyes now.)

Let me know what you're up to these days. I promise I will start posting more regularly again.

1 comment:

  1. i have been wondering what you two were up both have stopped posting! but thats okay, apparently i havent posted in three months...all these hormones i am on are kicking my butt!!

    ♥ ac
