Saturday, December 19, 2009

On the Side

I probably should have shared this a while ago, but the wife and I are honoured to be blogging together for Conceive. It's a great resource for all things fertility. Definitely worth checking out for great articles, information, and ahem, some great bloggers!

Should you be so inclined, you can read my latest post on there here. Please leave a comment and let me know you stopped by!

I'll try and make a point of noting when we've got a post up for those who are interested.

In other news, I'm in the midst of holiday shopping hell! A shopper I am not. Let me know what your great gift ideas are for this year.


  1. Hello there! I guess you are not coming back to Ireland for the holidays? I'm not sure what gift ideas are HOT this year, I know I'm getting DH a super-duper drill which he keeps borrowing off his dad! He's getting me a Wii fit plus (on my request!) and we got the 8-year-old nephews a chemistry set! Does this help? Very happy Christmas and here's to a great 2010. Fran

  2. I found a chess game called Chess Teacher for my and my husband. It has how many spaced and in what directions a piece can move on each piece. Both of us have mentioned over the years about wanting to learn to play chess, and I thought it would be something fun for us to do together. Of course, if you already know how, it's not a very good gift idea. ;)
