Thursday, January 28, 2010

Beautiful Blogger

Well gosh. Yours truly has been given the Beautiful Blogger Award by Holly over at Ready to be a Mom. You are too kind Holly. I don't know if I classify as beautiful, but I'll take it! Please stop by Holly's blog if you haven't visited her before and follow her journey.

So here's the deal with this award. I have to:

Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
Copy the award and place it in your blog.
Link the person who nominated you for this award.
Tell us 7 interesting things about you.
Nominate 7 bloggers.
Post the links to the 7 bloggers you nominate.

Seven interesting things. Hmmmmm...

Even though I now live in Canada, my only experience skiing was as a teenager in Italy. One of these days I'll attempt it again!

I never really considered myself a pet person until I got married. Now my wife and I have three dogs.

Before meeting my wife, I would never, ever have considered eating pasta. Don't worry pasta lovers, I eat it now.

I'm an avid reader so if you've read a good book recently, post a comment below and let me know what it was.

I am the only one from my side of the family living in Canada. All of my brothers and sisters are still in Ireland.

I really, really, really want to go to Disney World some day.

My wife says I snore ridiculously loud. I don't hear a thing!

As for passing this award on, well, I'd like to pass it on to all of my wonderful blog followers who have not yet received this award and would like to join in the fun. I hope you'll accept the award from me because you're all beautiful bloggers in my books!


  1. I just finished "Any Bitter Thing" by Monica Wood, and it was amazing.

  2. Congratulations!

    I just finished a Torchwood Novel (The House that Jack Built).

    What type of dogs? We have 2 Cavaliers.

  3. Aren't you glad you started eating pasta?! I couldn't live without it. :)

  4. Congrats!! I highly recommend The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larson, as well as its sequel - The Girl that Played with Fire.

  5. great list! Can't believe you've never been to Disney World! That's so crazy to me since I grew up in Orlando. And now I live 4 miles from Disneyland lol. Once we all have our kiddos we should schedule a disney playdate :)

  6. Good list!

    If you've never read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon...they're my husband and my favorite series.

  7. You need to come on over to the Rocky Mountains to go skiing! We have some of the best skiing in the world!

    As for books - I love the books "Three Cups of Tea" and "Stones Into Schools" by Greg Mortenson.
