Saturday, January 30, 2010

Follow Up

I just wanted to thank everyone for their responses to my last post. Thanks to everyone who made book suggestions. I have added them to my reading list!

To answer some of your other questions:

daega99: We have one wheaten terrier and two pugs. My wife had the wheaten from before we were married. The pugs we adopted in recent years from two different rescue agencies.

Katie: Yes, I am a pasta convert as it were! Growing up in Ireland, we just didn't eat it. Or at least my family never did. So when I tried it here it took me a while to warm up to it. While I'm still probably more of a meat and potatoes guy, I definitely don't mind it now.

Holly: Never been to Disneyworld or Disneyland! Hopefully we'll get to hit the Florida one this summer when some of my family comes over. We have friends in CA, so who knows, a Disneyland play date when we all have our kids may be in order!

Thanks again everyone for your comments and for those great reading suggestions.

Have a good weekend!


  1. Look at your growing list of followers!! Just stopping by to say hello, Fran

  2. Happy Birthday!!! Great blog, I will add it to my roll!!
