Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Look

Now that it's officially 2010, I can wish you Happy New Year! I hope that this is the year that all of our dreams come true. Fertility and otherwise.

With the New Year comes a new look. I'll be honest. I'm not really that creative so I just chose a new template via Blogger. But I'm hoping it's fresh and easier to read. Feedback is appreciated. Or better yet, if you're a blog designer who totally wants to overhaul my blog (for free!), I'm your guy!

As I've mentioned before, my wife and I also blog for Conceive and have a new post up. You can read our latest by clicking here. If you do stop by and read, please leave us a comment saying hello so that we know that you did!

Still quiet on the fertility front here. My wife goes for a glucose intolerance test (aka the test that determines diabetes) on Wednesday morning. Her family has a history of Type II diabetes and with her PCOS and insulin resistance issues, the PCOS specialist wanted her to get this checked out a little more thoroughly. She had to go off of her Metformin for over a month in order to get accurate test results and is eager to get back on it. We'll find out her test results in early February when she sees the specialist again. Keep your fingers crossed for her!

We're also aiming to start fertility treatments again in late January/early February. Here's hoping our third dIUI is a charm. You know I'll keep you posted.

Happy 2010 everyone!


  1. Why hello there! i love reading your blog and seeing a male perspective - i often tell my Dh all that your write!
    Happy New Year to you too, hope all your dreams become reality this year :)

  2. Happy 2010! I just wanted to let you know I've been following your blogs for months and they have been so great and helfpul. Here's to the new year!
