Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy (almost) New Year!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. We do the Christmas thing here and I'm happy to report that it was just great. I enjoyed lots of good food, including my wife's amazing cookies (no that's not code for anything dirty!), consumed a good deal of beer, and enjoyed time spent with our family and friends.

With the holidays and a new job my visits to the gym have become a bit sparse but no doubt I, along with many others, will be back come January, resolved to drop some pounds and tone up that body.

It's quiet for us on the fertility front at the moment but that will likely change in the New Year as we embark on dIUI #3. Don't worry, I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, I continue to take all the herbs and vitamins that my ND has prescribed on the off chance it kicks things into gear down in Man Town.

Wanted to wish you all a very Happy New Year now since I likely won't get a chance in the next few days to blog. Busy with work and then off to family for a New Year's Eve celebration.

Here's to 2010! As I posted on Twitter earlier today, my resolution is to become a dad in 2010. Here's to kicking infertility's ass!

All the best to you and yours.

PS - My wife is having a bit of fun on her blog by doing a giveaway (sponsored solely by her!) What's she giving away? Balls of course. Don't worry - they don't belong to yours truly! But they are the most amazing chocolate covered gingerbread bites. Check out the details here and join in the fun!

1 comment:

  1. Many happy returns, I'm sure my very own Irish boy shares your resolution for 2010. Here's hoping! Love, Fran
