Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm Scared

Pssssst. Over here. Ssssh! Don't make too much noise. Please, no sudden movements and whatever you do, do NOT look her directly in the eyes.

I want to be clear. When my lovely wife was in a better mood, we joked about this post, so she totally knows it's coming. I am hoping and praying that she WAITS to read it now though. Otherwise I may not survive to blog another day.

I'm scared. She's finished the Provera and I'm not sure, but she might just be the Incredible Hulk.

Help me out here. What do I do? If I say right, she says left. If I say hot, she says cold. I think I've received the look of death at least five times in the past 24 hours.

I know it's not her. I know it's the Provera. But I'm scared.
So, so, scared.

Could anyone spare a box or two? I totally need to reinforce my fort.


  1. LOL!! We know we are crazy on the meds. We just can't always recognize that at the time. :-)
    Love the graphic.

  2. This makes me a little embarrassed. I've been there. All mean and growly. Even if I am semi-aware it's irrational anger, it's like trying to stop a freight train. Just run.

  3. LOL. Maybe it's best not to say anything! Just nod and smile - tee hee!!! Good luck!!

  4. Oooo I can't help here, took my first evil little Pro.vera tonight. :) Pray for my husband.

  5. ohhh nooo, it'll be over soon, hang in there! Fran

  6. LOL! I'm sure my husband knows exactly how you feel. Just remember to smile and always say, "Yes dear!" Good luck!!! :)

  7. My husband claims I shoot lasers out of my eyes and keeps a reasonable distance from me!

    Left you an award over on my blog.

  8. Just had to show this post to my hubby to prove he isn't the only one who experiences this kind of fear :P And I'm not even on Provera! :P
    Hang in there - it'll all be worth it in the end :)

  9. Oh man, I'm LMAO here. I wish I could say "I feel ya" to you, but unfortunately I empathize with your wife in this story. You sound exactly like my husband. Oh, we've GOT to get the two of you together.

  10. I'm glad you made it out alive and that we didn't need to spring her from jail!

  11. Hey, checking out your blog from seeing the male perspective, very nice! Hope things have calmed down since the provera induced crazies:)

  12. Provera is evil, it made me crazy hormonal! My poor hubby almost went crazy too from putting up with me.

  13. *grins* This is a cute post. My husband had to deal with me that way about a week ago. Now I'm just waiting for things to get started.

  14. Yeah I have seen that scared look before.....

