Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

Yes, it's my birthday. On Groundhog Day. Please don't ask me if I saw my shadow.

Thanks to those who have already left me birthday wishes, I really appreciate it!

I am now 38 and I can hardly believe that I'm nearing the end of my thirties. I'd like to think though that like a fine wine, I am getting better with age.

I had a lovely albeit busy day. My wife and I are gearing up for the next dIUI cycle. She starts Provera tomorrow and I likely will go into hiding once the mood swings start! (Sorry honey, but you admitted it yourself and told me it was okay to post this!) After that, we have a good plan thanks to our RE and will move forward with that.

Here's hoping that this month brings us my birthday wish.


  1. Happy Birthday! I really do hope this cycle is it for you guys, and you will have your belated birthday present 9 months or so from now.

  2. Happy Birthdays Fertility Guy! I hope you get the best bday present of all this month!

  3. Happy Birthday! I agree with the "just getting better with age" thing. I definitely think that of myself.

    I also hope that this month you get your birthday wish and it will be delivered to you in 9 months.

  4. Hope you had a great birthday and that you get your b-day wish.

    (I just realised that my husband will be 38 this September...)

  5. Happy, happy birthday! I hope you get an awesome present this month. :)

  6. Happy Birthday!! Hoping you get your Birthday wish.

  7. OMG I didnt even know you had a blog!!! I'll link up with your button when I get home tonight!!! You should add mine. It adds all sorts of fabulousness to your blog!

  8. Very happy birthday!!! Everything here is crossed for your birthday wish to come true. Fran

  9. Happy Birthday!!! Woo hoo!!!

    Apparently I've been asleep at the wheel, I didn't realize you had a blog either! But of course I am a die-hard fan of your Mrs.

    I've happily added you to my blog roll, as well as grabbed your button.

    Happy birthday again!
